Our new business book club is in full swing. The next NawBOOK CLUB selection is Atomic Habits by James Clear.
If you’re new to Pivoting Pages NawBOOK CLUB, it is a program of NAWBO Ventura County where book club members read a business book each quarter and then meet to discuss all that was learned and how it is applicable to their business and professional lives. Did you catch the clever meaning of our club name? We believe that the “riveting” pages of any good book can create ideas to “pivot” your way of thinking for the growth and success of your business.
Pivoting Pages NawBOOK CLUB is open to all NAWBO VC members as a benefit of membership.
We are always looking for sponsors to purchase the books for our book club members
If you or your business is interested in supporting local women business owners in their personal and professional growth as entrepreneurs, please contact our Chair Jane Tierney by completing the Book Club Sponsor Interest Form here. We would be honored to receive your support.
Here’s how it works
- Join the book club by completing the quick and easy form below. This is important so that you receive emails from our Chair Jane Tierney as she provides thought-provoking tidbits about the book and also details about the discussion group meet-up each quarter.
- Sometimes the books are donated by a generous sponsor (as it was for our first book donated by The Acorn Newspapers). Other times the book club members purchase the book themselves. May we suggest the local bookstore, The Bookworm in Camarillo to purchase your book? Call in advance, as the book may need to be ordered for you.
- Reading continues quarterly, at your own pace. No meetings as you read!
- The discussion meet-up will take place after approximately three months. Date and location TBD.
- The next book will then be decided upon by the group at their discussion meet-up.